PhD Courseplan 2024-25
Overall, KLU offers the following PhD courses: 
  • Philosophy of Science (Prisca Brosi), biennial
  • Teaching Skills (external: Ina Gray), annual
  • Scholarly Writing (Christina Raasch), annual
  • Research Methods (new: fundamental) (old: Modeling and Simulation Research (breadth)) (Maria Besiou), biennial
  • Quantitative Empirical Methods (old fundamental, new: breadth) (Jan Becker/Christian Barrot), biennial
  • NEW: Data Science (Henrik Leopold), biennial - (can replace Qualitative Research Methods or a course Qualitative Research Methods can be taken at an external institution)
  • How to design surveys and experiments for top tier publishing (Christian Tröster/Niels Van Quaquebeke), biennial, next: 2024 
If you have any question concerning these courses and the definition as fundamental or breadth requirement, please contact
(last modified: May 27, 2025; MS)